Youth Ministry
(14 - 19 years)
Apart from various fun activities during the week, the Youth Group usually meets during the 10:30 service every Sunday after a time of cooperate worship at the Adventhaus and goes from there to another facility nearby - except in the case of an All-Age-Service, where we are usually involved, in one way or the other, in the cooperate worship of the main service.
These meetings are designed, so that the young people can share their life and faith journey with each other in a non-threatening environment, usually accompanied by a second breakfast. The goal is to learn together, listen to each other, share our struggles and doubts, grow in faith, and to encourage one another – and have as much fun as possible along the way.
The main goal of the youth work is to facilitate the young people’s own relationship with a living God and to help them find their own faith in an ever changing and fast moving society, so that they are able to make faith-informed decisions for their future. Thus, a lot of the Sunday meetings include practical ways of how to engage in healthy spiritual and Christ-centered practices that are designed, so that they can actually experience their faith.
Here are some resources we’ve used for this matter:
The Story We Find Ourselves In-Underground Odyseey
Does God Have A Clue What It Means To Be You?-Andre Rabe
Becoming God’s Friend-Brad Jersak
You Already Hear God-Brad Jersak
The Biblical Basis for Listening Prayer-Brad Jersak
The Youth Work Summit-Inspirational Videos
We are also trying to work together with other Youth Groups and connect with other ministries and youth related movements in the Basel area. One of them is Young Life Basel, which offers a number of resources for Youth Workers.
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